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Rifqi Khairul Anam


This Article introduces the philosophy of Islamic law, advocating a philosophical approach to understand its complex ethical and legal framework beyond a mere collection of rules. It explores fundamental questions concerning the definition, scope, sources, principles, application, and purpose of Islamic legal philosophy, distinguishing it from jurisprudence (Fiqh) and theology (Kalam). Employing library research and philosophical analysis, this study investigates primary sources like the Qur'an and Sunnah alongside secondary sources, examining principles such as justice, benefit, and legal certainty. The findings highlight that Islamic legal philosophy is essential for a nuanced understanding of Islamic law, revealing its ethical, rational, and purposive dimensions. It plays a dynamic role in the development and adaptation of Islamic law, providing intellectual resources to address contemporary challenges and remain relevant. This study emphasizes its significance for academics, legal practitioners, and the public, fostering informed dialogue and contributing to the ongoing evolution of Islamic law. It underscores that the ultimate purpose of Islamic law is to realize human welfare in this world and the hereafter, with ijtihad as a vital mechanism for its dynamism, and identifies the critical and constructive tasks of Islamic legal philosophy in shaping a coherent and ethically robust legal system.

Keywords:  Philosophy of Islamic Law; Ijtihad; Islamic Legal Thought

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